Jessica Mohlman
Wildlife Ecologist & Research Coordinator

Jessica Mohlman
MS in Wildlife Ecology
and Management
BS in
Biology and Natural Resources
I am a Wildlife Ecologist and Research Coordinator interested in creating innovative interdisciplinary ways to address management and conservation-related concerns in working landscapes with novel insights and tools. Currently, there is still a large disconnect between wildlife management and disciplines such as behavioral ecology, physiology, and human dimensions. These fields should not be thought of as mutually exclusive, as each can provide unique information on the fitness of a population. I believe that the integration of different biological and ecological disciplines can allow for more progressive and effective wildlife management and conservation. Additionally, in our current society, science and wildlife management struggle to keep up with the public on fast-paced digital platforms. This gap in communication can often lead to misinformation, potentially overshadowing positive research, thus creating a greater disconnect between science and the public. Research is less impactful and effective if the public and stakeholders do not know it exists, how to use it, or why it is important. I am very passionate about mending this gap by fostering a creative communication platform to facilitate a seamless knowledge transfer between researchers and the public.
“There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot.”- Aldo Leopold
9 years fieldwork experience | 7 + years experience with ArcGIS & R Statistical Software | 4 + years supervisory experience | 2 first-author peer-reviewed publications | 2 co-author peer-reviewed publications |2020 Stoddard-Burleigh-Sutton Award recipient for Excellence in Wildlife Conservation
M.S. Forest & Natural Resources: Wildlife Ecology & Management | University of Georgia | Athens, GA | May 2019 | 128 Semester Hours | 4.0 | Summa Cum Laude
Thesis: “The examination of subacute effects on Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus)”
Relevant Courses: Advanced Spatial Analysis for Natural Resources | Estimation of Parameters Fish & Wildlife Populations | Experimental Methods in Forestry & Natural Resources Research | Field Molecular & Wildlife Techniques | Quantitative Conservation Science | Scientific Research | Wildlife Behavior | Wildlife Law | Wildlife Seminar
Study Abroad | Fall 2013
Round River Conservation Studies | Namibia, Africa
Relevant Courses: Applied Conservation Biology | Biological Field Methods | Consciousness of the Land | Humans & the Environment | Natural History Methodology
B.S. Biology, Natural Resources: Wildlife & Fisheries Ecology | Northland College | Ashland, WI | May 2015 |132 Semester Hours | 3.9 | Summa Cum Laude | Major Merit in Biology
Senior Thesis: “Competition and Evolution of Miocene Rodents” & “Avian Responses to Agriculture”
Relevant Courses: Applied Conservation Biology | Aquatic Invertebrates | Biological Field Methods | Biology of Organisms | Biometry | Consciousness of the Land | Ecology | Environmental Economics | Evolutionary Biology | Field Ornithology | Fisheries & Wildlife Techniques | Fur-Bearer Ecology & Management | Geodatabases | Humans & the Environment | Introduction to GIS | Limnology | Natural History Methodology | Natural Resources Policy | Statistical Concepts & Analysis | Vertebrate Physiology | Wildlife Ecology & Management
Software: Access | ArcGIS Desktop| ArcGIS Online| ArcCollector | Excel | MAMP | Notion | R Markdown | R Statistical Software | SmartSheet
Digital: Database Management | Digital Camera | DSLR Camera | Microscope Cameras | Photography | Photo Editing | Social Media | Statistical Analysis | Video Camera & Editing
Field: 4WD/ATV/UTV Operation | Amphibian Trapping & Handling | Bird Monitoring/Handling/ Trapping | Camera Trapping | GPS | Mist-netting | PIT Tag Administration | Plant Monitoring | Point Counts | Primitive Camping | Snake Handling & Tracking | VHF Telemetry
Lab: Compound & Dissecting Microscopes | Experimental Design | Hormone Extractions | Radioimmunoassay
Communication & Management: Detail Orientated | Highly Organized | Project Management & Budgeting | Public Outreach | Public Speaking | Scientific Reports & Writing | Team Management & Supervision