Outreach Presentations
▪ Fournier, K. W., J. L. Mohlman. 2022. The importance of Mussels & What are Microplastics? National Great Rivers Research & Education Center. Staff Tabling Presenter. Earth Day 365 Festival. Forest Park, St. Louis, MO. April 23, 2022.
▪ Mohlman, J. L. 2021. Ask Our Alumni – Grad School Series: Natural Sciences. Northland College. Invited Virtual Panel Guest. October 7, 2021.
▪ Mohlman, J. L. 2021. Graduate School Questionnaire Panel. National Great Rivers Research & Education Center. Invited Panel Guest. July 26, 2021.
▪ Mohlman, J. L. 2021. Branding Yourself: Creating a Professional Online Presence. Northland College. Virtual Workshop. January 28, 2021.
▪ Mohlman, J. L. 2021. Ask Our Alumni – Environmental Sciences Careers During COVID-19. Northland College. Invited Virtual Panel Guest. January 27, 2021.
▪ Mohlman, J. L. 2020. Using ggplot in Wildlife Management. MTH 250 – Communicating Ideas with Graphics in R. Invited Talk. Northland College Ashland, WI. May 20, 2020.
▪ Mohlman, J. L., N. G. Wilhite, R. R. Gardner, I. B. Parnell, D. P. Grimes, J. A. Martin. 2017. Di-Lane WMA Ongoing Research & Telemetry Demonstration. Haywood Community College Wildlife Management Class Presentation. Di-Lane Wildlife Management Area. Waynesboro, GA. May 2017.
▪ Patterson, B. D., J. L. Mohlman. 2016. The Importance of Bats & The Bats of Kenya. Staff Tabling Presenter. Member’s Nights. The Field Museum. Chicago, IL. May 22 & 23, 2016.
▪ Patterson, B. D., J. L. Mohlman. 2016. The Bats of Kenya. Staff Tabling Presenter. Women in Science Annual Luncheon Fundraiser. The Field Museum. Chicago, IL. May 12, 2016.
▪ Goyke, A., J. L. Mohlman. 2015. The Importance of Aquatic Invertebrates Field Presentation. First Grade Science Class. Lake Superior Elementary School. Ashland, WI. May 2015.
▪ Mohlman, J. L. 2015. What Can a Wildlife Biologist Do? Tales of a Namibia, Africa Adventure. Invited Talk. 7th Grade Science Classes. McHenry Middle School. McHenry, IL. April 17, 2015.
▪ Mohlman, J. L. 2015. Northland College Helped Me Achieve My Dreams. Invited Talk. First-Year Experience (Orientation) Class. Northland College. Ashland, WI. October 28, 2014.
▪ Mohlman, J. L. 2014. An African Adventure: A Northland College Student’s Experience with Round River Conservation Studies. Invited Talk. Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute, Northland College. Ashland, WI. December 4, 2014.
▪ Mohlman, J. L. 2014. Northland College Helped Me Achieve My Dreams. Invited Talk. College Possible Visit. Northland College. Ashland, WI. October 28, 2014.
▪ Mohlman, J. L. 2014. Mad Scientist: Dry Ice Experiment. K -12 Fright Night! Northland College. Ashland, WI. October 30, 2014.
▪ Goyke, A., J. L. Mohlman. 2014. Aquatic Invertebrate Teaching Lesson. Science Monday’s. Northland College. Ashland, WI. September 2014.
▪ Mohlman, J. L. 2014. The Animals and People of Namibia, Africa. Invited Talk. 4-7th Grade Summer School Classes. McHenry District 15 Schools. Riverwood Elementary School. McHenry, IL. June 19, 2014.
"In the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love
only what we understand, and we will understand only
what we are taught." - Baba Dioum